Saturday, November 8, 2008
But why the feelings of sadness and unfairness..
Maybe because, i dislike waiting for him time and again..
Maybe because, i always wonder what to do whilst waiting for him to knock off from work..
Maybe because, i know i am losing precious sleep staying up waiting for a phone call from him ..
Maybe because, i've spent too much time just waiting.
Myabe because, it seems i have to sacrifice more than he does..
Maybe because, he is doing more talking than acting..
Maybe because, i'm so tired of the stoopid competition from so many other girls and ex-es in his life..
or maybe because, i am just not confident enough and i am just too demanding.
i don't know.
but i know its tiring to wait till 2am for one to knock off from work.
every single night..
what is this?
stupidity. just plain stupidity.
i am stupid.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Kohsuke's Singapore
Not forgetting the two beautiful ladies Jing Yi and San San who were with us too. Sorry babes, i only have the pics ah yi sent me in the computer i'm using now. Will upload your beautiful pictures soon :D
Yo! We sent Sentosa and took many crazy pictures! The best part would be the night show - Songs of the Seas- where we were all seating under the heavy rain watching the laser-show! I'll never forget that pitiful sight of us under the heavy rain all drenched and cold whilst trying to enjoy the show :)
Then it was soon time for Kohsuke to leave Japan. I still can't believe how all of us made it to the airport by 8am! (: Amazing mind-over-body effort peeps :) Without you guys, everything will not be a s special as how it had turned out to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys :) very very much. Kaimyo-In students two thumbs up mannnnn! :D
Friday, March 21, 2008
just talk talk.
I wanna sleep now. I just came home from Timbre @ Substation a secluded pub tucked on the side of quiet Armanien Street. The drink was nothing to rave about, i got a medicine-tasting-lychee-freeze-that-costed-me-$14-blah- Despite so, i enjoyed my time there as the band was awesome! - The Goodfellas! - one of the best or even the best live-band i've ever watched perform. Shirley and The Unexpected is good too but the covers by The Goodfellas were more to my preference. Pity i had to leave earlier than my peeps as i was too tired (ha. how interesting this is right now as i blog)
i'm just plain talking. i'll go sleep now. Kohsuke and Kensuke comes in later!! (:
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
cheer up mae. (:
It reads "Mae san, why never update blog?"
Just for you (: I will blog.
Something odd happened today, before evening prayers started in our temple this evening, i suddenly felt very downcast and my mood became melancholic. For whatever reason, i'm not sure.
I was of course superbly overjoyed at the sight of our new temple and our wooden Joju-Gohonzon but my life condition today was a little on the wobbly side.
Anyway, what was important was that 'sad' moment of mine made me decide to CUT MY HAIR! hahaha :) Which was really a wise thing to do considering how much my hair's been looking like a bush these days. hehe!
After cutting thy hair, i reflected on that sudden sad moment (haha, being dramatic) and realised that probably i had been very self-centred in my thinking and thoughts these days. It was all about me me me and me.
Dwelling on trival matters of the heart. Dreading the day i leave Singapore. Lamenting about how much i miss school and all the gibberish about missing the intellectual environment of school. Meandering through my days in boredom and refusing to do any productive.
**Dang** the above has been what i have been doing these days.
How frigging irresponsible i have been leading my life like that?
No more irresponsible living from tomorrow onwards.
I'm disappointed with myself.
How did i like myself become so narrow-minded?
I'm looking forward to my brand new day with my brand new HAIRCUT. hahaha!! :D
yes. And everything commences now.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Breakthrough! I fixed my laptop! hahaha
From being absolutely technologically-challenged to being less of a klutz with computers. An achievement for me indeed :)
I'm starting to fill this bond with my laptop after the hours and hours meddling with it. I had entertained the thought of changing my laptop. But looking back now, me deeming it 'inefficienct' may have stemmed from my very own impaitence. (-_-)
(: From today, i'll treasure my laptop even more.
Thank goodness for online-help forums and my laptop's hardiness. :) I once crashed my friend's laptop with a single light touch of my finger and now things are looking a little more hopeful for me.
*grins. okay, fine i'm making a hooha out of a little small achievement of mine.
But, by gholly it sure feels good fixing the damn problem (:
hmm.. the weather's been pretty bad this few days. It has been raining heavily today again..Singapore's been kinda cold these days. Hope it stops soon, i have to be out this evening and the weather is dampening my spirits.
haha. But, no excuses. Gotta go get ready now (: Ciaoz!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Cantonese and me.
m unclear whether the words that sprout out from my mouth is authentic Hokkien, Singaporean Hokkien (one that the Taiwanese people can't understand) or the Teochew-kena-mixed-with-Hokkien kinda Hokkien.
But one thing's for sure.
I SURE don't speak any Cantonese!
Imh Sek Teng, Imh Sek Kong or in my own grandparents' tongue "Buay hiao tia, buay hiao kong." The only Cantonese i know is limited to "wheres the toilet" "go to hell" and whatever Dim Sum food name there is.
Now, I'm gonna to embark on the impossible and that is to learn Cantonese. Truth be told, i have no interest whatsoever in the Cantonese language. Not that i have anything against it or anything, just that i'm totally clueless and am an absolute NOOB in it and i have yet to master my own dialect. Hence, i am a bit hesitant. But, i took a leap of faith and yesterday i was trying to communicate in basic Cantonese with some of my choir mates.
One of them thought i was speaking Korean!!!! (o.O)??
I then turn to an Uncle nearby and spoke to him and he understood only 1/10 of what i was trying to tell him!!
How encouraging eh!
haha (: Anything tough is always worth a fight eh!
Anyway, Hong Kong and Guangzhou is the land of the speaking Cantonese campaigns so i better fight hard.
Any Cantonese speaking friends out there???
jit bai jiat lat liao la.
The Spirit of the Hokkeko.
Interestingly, what is happening is quite the opposite in a place called SPIKO. (: SPIKO is bringing out the best in everyone and maybe it has something to do with the place being called The Spirit of the Hokkeko. What an apt name :)
Being in The Spirit Of Hokkeko aka SPIKO brings out the best in everyone. We see everyone, from the main performers to the unsung heroes - the nannies and the logistics personnel tirelessly doing their best just to deliver a seamless and perfect performance.
It was nerve-wrecking for me during the evening's rehearsal; i had to conduct the choir as our conductor was away this weekend.
It was nerve-wrecking because i knew nothing about music and i had to lead my choir on the front. But guess what, at the end of the day, they were guiding me and not me them. (: My worries unfounded eh, this is a performance of faith and all i have to do is to have faith, not in them, but in what binds us all in a common spirit - that of the Hokkeko's.
Come sunday will be the most beautiful day of my life and because of our faith, to all 300 performers- it will be the most perfect day.
Practice, Protect, Propagate.
Emo Elmo.
Have you ever loved someone and they had absolutely no idea whatsoever? Or fell for your best friend in the entire world, then sat around and watched him/her fall for someone else?
Have you denied your feelings for someone because your fear of rejection was too hard to handle? We tell lies when we are afraid… afraid of what we don’t know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing we fear grows stronger.
Have you ever noticed that the worst way to miss someone is when they are right beside you and yet you can never have them… when the moment you can’t feel them under your fingertips you miss them?
Have you ever wondered which hurts the most; Saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing and wishing you had?
I guess the most important things are the hardest to say. Don’t be afraid to tell someone you love himor her. If you do, they might break your heart… but if you don’t, you might break theirs.
Have you ever decided not to become a couple because you were so afraid of losing what you already had with that person? You can’t tell your heart what to do. It does it on its own… when you least suspect it, or even when you don’t want it to.
I just stumbled upon someone's blog and i found the above. I believe most of us, or everyone of us, can relate to that matter like this..

Well, i have nothing to add to what that was copied. Being emotional at 12.14am whilst everyone is asleep and nothing seems to be interesting on tv isn't an ideal way for me to end my day. So, anyways..
I've been thinking that maybe it wasn't just a good idea to stop school for one semester after all. I miss school- the intellectual environment, the days of discussion, the time in the library and my university mates.
Everyone of them is in school and busy with projects and reports and are only free on weekends, many a number are really sweet to make an effort to keep in contact with me and ask me out for a drink or two. There are absolutely no complaints about my friends; as friends, i'll give them a 110%! :D
The problem lies with me. I figured i enjoy being a part of something bigger than myself- be it a school, a company or an organisation and the only thing keeping me sane now is my faith and from faith stems my optimism which then fuels my everyday with spirit. I miss all of those who have walked my years of college and university with me. I miss them terribly- especially the times we have drinking some funky-juice-concortion the Arts Canteen comes up with, the complaints from the CMN majors, the lamentation that our Japanese teacher is speaking too fast for comprehension, the early hours, the late hours. Just about everything we complain about - is missed by me.
That is not to say i am not enjoying my days now. I am. I really am (: I realised alot about myself, made new friendships and am ravishing the days in my life. Such is life, you move on and yet ever so often you still will look back and ask.. 'what if.'
Well, let this had better be the last time; I'll be damn if i were to let this happen again.
Thank goodness for this blog! :)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Food journey.

But, the uncontested winner of all dishes would be the brownie ice-cream dessert! (: Hui Ting ordered it and i finished every thing on the dessert plate for her very happily and quickly.

Well, as Nigella once said "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful." (:
After lunch, we went to the older side of Bugis. It felt almost as though we had went back in time and arrive in old-time Singapore's Chinatown. There weren't many pretty sights there and so we headed back to modernity where Sansan and i proceeded to meet up with Guo Hwa and Ken.
(: We went V8 for dinner and then MOF @ My Izanuya. Nice desserts la. We spent out time yakking and yakking till the staff had to politely tell us.
"Sorry, its 11pm and we close at 11pm." heh.
The bunch of yakking penguins. along with san san (:
I realise theres nothing much to do in Singapore huh -well, at least we are enjoying doing the nothing much we can do (: I have a long day tomorrow and have to sleep. Good night people.
A Mosiac artist asked reporters "what is the most Singaporean food in Singapore?"
Makes me wonder.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Hello hello again! Sh-Boom and hoping we'll meet again! :)
This evening was to a certain extent a poignant moment for me as i recalled the days i've spent infront of the Joju-Gohonzon chanting for my family's happiness and for my problems/worries to resolve themselves. Not long after, it was also with this Joju-Gohonzon that i learnt to practice for the happiness of others ahead of my own. This five years the Joju-Gohonzon was with us marked my most impressionistic and learning years that would nodoubtly set the foundation for my future and vista.
It was a more than a worthwhile journey i had taken; marked by the the resplendent years i've experienced with the heightening of my consciousness as a Buddhist. And today, i bid farewell to the Joju-Gohonzon that has guided me with the Buddha's wisdom, felt immense gratitude for the honour of having walked a course of my life with him and was left affirmly determined to be a person Nichiren Daishonin will be proud of .
Now, we have to move on and look forward to our wooden Joju-Gohonzon and progress on this splendid walk of life as Hokkeko believers.
Hello hello again! Sh-Boom & hoping we'll meet again! What i had written seems a tad serious yea. haha =o) Anyways, i had a very serious day today but the past two days was anything but serious.
we were always..
<3aiyaya! We even taught Sansan how to rollarblade! Well, she only learnt how to balance herself and walk on her wheels V-shape at a time. Liang Yi on the other hand, i learnt, he can blade but he cannot stop!! hahaha :P So because of one friend who can't blade and another who cannot stop, we did not even manage to cover more than 200m of the rollar-blading tracks! $30 for the distance we have covered! 'Yue Wang Qian ah!' :D
*guffaws. Now thinking about it, its reaaaallllyyy funnyyy laaa. We walked and walked more than we blade :P But it was a uber fun day especially when we found an abandon fun-fair near the Beach.
I think the fun fair brings out the childish side in us. Like how it did with this guy here :D
I had my fair share in the childish pie la. (: haha Whilst trying to get myself on a little car to take a picture for fun, i got stucked!! hahaha :) We were laughing so hard my tummy hurt and i looked super stupid and clumsy trying to myself in and getting myself out after trying so hard to stuff myself in. Its been quite long since i laughed till i had the stitches; it was a very good feeling (:
Lets hope there'll be more of stitches this coming week! Oh! We are heading to Ma Maison tomorrow and i'm looking so much forward to it. I'll come back and give a rave review of the food yea. heh. Omu-rice here we come :D
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
We eat too much.
Anyway, Coffee today was really good! I bought 3 cups of coffee from Ya Kun @ Clarke Quay Central. 1 for Sansan 1 for Liang yi and 1 for me. hehe. So sweet of me right! I proudly bought them $2.60 worth of coffee and didn't aks for the money back :D And for that $2.60 & the high from Caffine, they decided to style my hair and give me a newwwwww looookkkk...
Blah blah blah.. So here i am with Doll in the evening.
can't really see it clearly here though. But it was interesting la, Doll almost couldn't recognise me. Haha. Which is bad! Considering we have been friends since we were 13, its a clear sign of how 'fixed' my hair have been since! haha :) Okie okie, i will be more flexible to change now (:
Gosh today was just eating and eating and more eating day. Coupled with a talking here and there, the price we paid for our food was more than worth it huh. (: maybe i should change my blog to a food blog since me and my friends are ALWAYS eating. Darn. Heres our food trail tod.
Lunch: Waraku Resturant
Mid Afternoon snack (HAHA!!): Ice-cream @ Azubo Sabo
Dinner: Thai Food
Mid Evening snack: Ice cream @ Swensons.
Not that we have alot of cash to spare nor that we are greedy. Rather, theres nothing else to do in lil' island Singapore laaa. So we just eat eat eat and talk talk talk lor. And because of today's eating rendezvous we heading to the beach for some rollar-blading tomorrow. (:
Sigh, i think we should stop eating so much people. And find healthier things to do when we are together. Tomorrow, will be the new beginning (:
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap years to Timbre (:

Us and Ngak
Yummy food from Timbre (:

Smiles and delights :) Not to mention, a bunch of broke girls la. Bo liu liao lor.
Anyways, mina was so excited that she became speechless when we were asking Ngak if we could take a photo with him when the photo was for her (:
Jia and i: Hey Ngak! Could we take a picture with you? You were great just now and we really like your music.
Ngak: (i can recall wholly though but there was a thanks and something like the sound system was -beep- up. heh :P )
mina: silence. just stun and stare.
Jia and i: So, where are the other places you perform at Ngak? We'll come down tomorrow to Botanic Gardens to support your performace.
Ngak: on monday i preform here...and Ngak goes on telling us his schedule..
mina: still stunning and staring.
And then we took the picture.
Jia and i: Thanks Ngak! See you soon.
Ngak: Thanks! *and he does a little bow*
Then, cute lil' mina turns to me and says: Mae, i love you (:
Me: Welcome :)
^^ That was the highlight of the night i guess! haha :) Isn't she so cute la!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Cool! :D
I received an email today that made me jump with the feelings of 'damn it' and that something is playing a trick on me.
Shucks, the gist of my email says,
I will be in Singapore from 21st March to the 26th march. Will you be free then? - From Kohsuke.
AND OH WHY OH WHY is my flight to Hong Kong scheduled on the 21st March!! And now, not only can't i see Kensuke i can't see Kohsuke too!!
That was the last straw that broke the camel's back.
I then called SQ's 24 hour line and waited, waited and waited..
blah. After waiting on hold for about 10 mins listening to how important i am to the Airline i hung up. By then, the feeling of getting punk'd by fate wasn't as intense as it was initially so i went online to read about how i should go about changing my travel plans.
And guess what i found out? It was stipulated in the website that i have to present the credit card that i had used to make payment with on the day on check in. AND HAHAHA! The credit card is with the owner who is currently now back in China!
Well, if i hadn't check the SQ website because of my intention of changing my travel date i wouldn't have known i needed my boss's credit card.
(: Well, what a blessing in disguise. So, tomorow i have to go down to the Singapore Airlines office in Orchard and re-buy my ticket with my own card and hopefully at the same time i can extend my departure date and be able to welcome my two friends to Singapore again. (:
After paragon, i'm off the American Club for lunch! (:
kimochi!! :D
Friday, February 22, 2008
Youth Olympics! Timbre! Happy!
Though usually, the place is without the 2 fancy cars infront of it. (: If u are lucky to get a seat at the sides, you may have the priviledge of having the silhouette of Boat Quay and Raffles place skyscrapers next to you. Its just a lovely place to be with the girls (: My girls are going there for the singer NGAK (Crystal, you can have him to yourself la. i won't fight with you for him. heh) but i'm going there for the view, drink and the food. And of course, for you girls and the music. :)

-Us @ Timbre along with a funny someone's feet. - -_-"
Hey, come to think about it, Timbre was introduced to me not by locals but by my buddy Kensuke! haha. Right! Talk about how small Singapore is ! Even foreigners know some places better than loser-locals like me ): Thank goodness for Kensuke eh (: Gosh, i miss my friend.
Hey! lets turn to perky news! YEAY! Singapore had just won the bid to host the 2010 Youth Olympics!
Though i have not the slightest idea if we have enough land to hold such an international event but in the event that we do not, well, we can just reclaim more. :P Nah, i'm kidding! We have stadiums littered everywhere in Singapore and with the Singapore Sports Council & MP Teo at the helm we will find provide beautiful event grounds for these young athletes to strut their moves (: Even if it means en-bloc-ing some apartments and condos for the venues, we sure will Bo-leh! Majulah Singpura. (:
Go-go Singapura! (: Congratulations to our Nation. ^^
Thursday, February 21, 2008
i'm no art-talent.
And ya, the above was really meant to be a sheep. :P
Check out my eagle and Peter's eagle below.
okay, when Peter said we should draw Dinosaurs, i had Barney the purple dinosaur in mind. I didn't expect the above to appear *deadpans* and below is Peter's plant-eating dino.
okay. So my dragon came out looking a little like a shrimp on fire and a little whimpy compared to the ferocious one Peter drew below. But, isn't mine cute? Check out my dragon's non-existent claws *deadpans*
What can i say to redeem myself now? haha. Well, 8 year old Peter's talented in art and i'm not. Therefore, good for him (:
And, art has never been and never will be my forte :)
School, love it or hate it.
Truth be told, i miss my Japanese studies lectures/seminars- the intellectually sitmulating or at most times intellectually-dumbfounded discussions we have and the interesting contents and knowledge. In retrospect, i think the most imperative reason would be that i'm missing the chance to be admist the passion that everyone in our class shares for Japan. Soaking in that atmosphere itself energises me and fuels my enthusiasm for Japanese studies whenever i am in school, over and over again.
Sounds cheesy and corny? haha. I know it is. But, to a large extent, its true. Many still don't understand why i am pursuing this as my major and brush my interest for Japan as something i should pursue on the sideline or as a hobby. But i refuse. Even my dear old dad doesn't understand and neither does he empathise. (: ほんとに大丈夫
I know somehow this will work and i will be happy through it all. But if at the end of the day, i do berate myself for making an unwise (debatable (: ) choice now at least i can look back at my undergrad days and know that for once, i was brave enough to follow my heart and passion. Sceptics can say what they want to, but for now my caution is with the wind and i'm the detractor. (:
i like school (: あんたも?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
self-taught inefficiencies. ^^
Its 12.49am and i have to wake up at like 5.15am! But, i can't sleep tonight. Maybe it was the darn coffee i took in the afternoon, maybe it was the 10 hr sleep i had the night before, maybe its my body clock. Maybe its just me - lacking in discipline and not absolute enough with myself. So, challenge my limits i do.
Anyways, did some studying again as usual and i read this potion of my textbook that promptly got me brewing a cuppa of caffine-induced-drink for myself.
And i quoted from my textbook:
1) The predicate of the sentence which modifies a noun is in the plain from. In the case of Na-adjective sentence, ~da becomes ~na. In the case of noun sentences ~da becomes ~no.
And i reached out for my caffine drink.
Not knowing what the above was trying to tell me, i went on to the seond part.
2) Nouns, which are various elements of the sentence, are picked out of it and can be modified by it.
Then i almost spit out my caffine drink. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS 'IT'???? What "IT" are they referring to? What is the textbook not telling me?? Ha! I know, its daunting me for not getting myself enrolled in a langauge school. (which i did before and i had actually studied this chapter of my textbook then, and yet i am still rendered clueless. talk about effective teaching :P )
Well, i think the textbook needs to be enrolled in a language school too- an English language school. Specifically, a school that imparts to one how to communicate effectively to one's readers and the art of writing simple and strightforward sentences. (: Or maybe, i should go back to learning English to understand the textbook.
Which is which now? Gosh, i need my caffine drink and my sleep. ^^
I think its just me :)
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
lazy lazy afternoon
Before that happens, i must really study very hard and be my own good student! heh!
Ah well, last night i had a very interesting dream! I dreamt that my relatives on my mum's side and i were meandering our way through a shopping store in Japan with a rather lost look on our faces! I was not feeling scared or anything despite being lost. Rather, i felt as if i was on a fun ride and i was enjoying myself. haha (: Ah well, i guess my dreams are also doing their part to motivate me in studying. How cool is that? *grins
This afternoon really was a very lazy one for me. Was reading a book titled "Japanland" i couldn't put it down and had wanted to read as much before i went out in the evening. Whose to know that i would fall asleep whilst reading it and it was not like the book was not interesting!! Aiyaya, i'm such a bum! No more reading on my comfy sofa!
Despite that, this afternoon was an especially enjoyable one. I usally am not enamored of the idea of me lazing or sleeping my afternoons away but today was different. I had the feeling of being the literati Alex Kerr describes in his book "Lost Japan"! - Carefree, with all my worries and thoughts in the wind and doing what i want to (reading) when i want to (: ii-neh!
Well, i am not an literati but i sure like the feeling of being one; especially the one Alex Kerr describes :) THAT comes with a drawback though, its 1.19am now and i have to mug to make up for lost time :P Well, the literati feeling was great while it lasted, back to the layman that i am.
That means, back to studying. :) I wanna translate the lyrics of S.H.E's 最近還好嗎 (Recently, are you good?) Its one of my favourite song at current moment. But, i can't spend too long blogging and i have to do something else.
So, Jya, mata :)
Saturday, February 16, 2008
and i watched CNN.
It was painful for me to even listen to it much less watch. I've always been numbed by the news of Iraq and anything related to the Middle-East. Theres Bush, Rice, bombs, suicide bombers and more news on suicide bombers and then we have the suicide bombers again. You only see the bipolar side of things - the politicians talking and the adversaries bombing. And then, theres this one night (like now) where you get to see the in-betweens - the masses or mostly, the innocent.
They are neither the dissentients nor are they are trouble-makers. And yet they are the ones who suffer the most. It was a heart-wrenching sight. Maybe it was good that i was numbed because its better to feel numb than to feel helpless right. haha. ah well, but watching an old father carrying a boy about aged 10 in his arm saying that he wouldn't let anyone take his son away because he has been carrying him all his life and watching the helpless and pained look of a couple who knows they are unable to save their 3 children who have polio.
It kinda gets to u. One can't help but feel that its wrong to just attribute this to another's own haplessness. As a wise sage once said the world is evil not because of the ones with fist but because of the ones who stand around and do nothing. So, what am i doing? haha. Like you, nothing. I'm just watching/listening to CNN.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
i'm a hazard to myself.
Been really preoccupied with so many things that blogging seems to be the last thing on my agenda these days. I took aplenty photos during this cheena-new year however, i am cluessless as to how i can upload them on my blog. I know i ought to use some picasa album thing. But, woe is me. I'm just too lazy to learn. blah. The bane of my life - myself :P
I ought to be studying my already rusty Japanese language. But!!! I'm just too jaded to study anything. haha. Its not fun breaking down sentence structures, memorising vocabularies and learning the ever-so-dreaded-grammar. So, here i am online resorting to reading whatever that is in Japanese to start this worn-out-dusty-numb-skull of mine.
Enough is ENOUGH! It has already been an unproductive 45 mins!
Mo-i!! Atashi de-ru!
sheesh, now i know how my 7 year old korean student feels when i force him to do some english assignments during my class -
What goes around comes around eh. :) Its my turn now!
De Gu-Chi!
Friday, January 25, 2008
chomp chomp chomp...
"Anything that makes you cry in your heart?"
Almost everyone's answer was ubiquitous - lamenting about loving someone who doesn't love them back. And then, i read this..
"I keep failing my midterms... please cry for me"
hoho! Cute la.
Anyway, i realised today that i've alot of people around me who speak Korean laaaaaaa!!! Like 'moo-lah' Korean language i am. Went for Dinner at some interesting named place - Gary Kim's - and then we went Timbre @ Arts House.
Totoro had to leave early la. Then, i was left with 4 korean-speaking people!!!!!
Neh! haha! But i really enjoyed myself tonight with my two special girlfriends. (: Its hard to find really good friends in university, most of us stll hang out with our college friends or cca-mates etc. So, it means alot to me that i've met two special girlfriends & Totoro in school! :P
Okay, with my limited knowledge in Korean..
Yorubun, kamsahamida! :)
We have a date this Cheena New Year yo!
Yakusoku!! (^-^)/~
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thanks yo!
This was what she wrote for me..
"Hi ah mae, tat was a long time back when we always go Home Visit together.Then we are in e same team in kenshu.."Mad Cow"...etc...we have a lots of fun and at the same time learnt from each other. You must take care of yourself, i know tat u r very busy with study and at the same time need to in-charge of TP student....xing ku ni le. But i believe there is a kind of man zhu gan when you c the students grow in yrs to come. Isshonin Ganbatte ne!!!"
There are some people whom i want to grow up to be. One of those people would include her. haha. What was she talking about when she said it has been hard on me? What i do, is nothing compared to what she does and yet this sweet and beautiful lady still comes by to leave an encouraging and heartfelt post for me. Thank you so much. We had very very lovely memories together and these memories affirm to me that she posesses much treasures of the heart and a heart of gold.
I like the way she talks to everyone - with sincerity, kindness and compassion. Its that soft look in her eyes. I don't have that, because i may be lacking in that three deparments. haha. But, i want to be like her - a person who becomes more humble after achieving more in life - just like the rice stalk that bends more as more grains germinate on it.
Yu Fen Jie, Its been eight years since we really spent time together. But, for you, i am more than willing to wait for another eight years but if we are really busy, another 800 years then. We each have our duties and responsibilities. I know we can't spend as much time as i want us to but i treasure you very much as a sister, a mentor, a senior and as my zenchishiki. I will put down everything to help you if u ever need me to. In the meantime, as you've said -
isshoni Gambette yo!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
3 degrees of Seperation.
So many things have been happening so quickly this month! Its almost crazy! But, hey - i'm loving it! I realise one thing important- that being appreciative is actually the key to one being happy and not having so much that it could last u for 10 lifetimes. Just a simple sense of gratitude neh (: Wonder how it took me so long to realise that. Maybe its because it took me so long to learn how to appreicate and accept things. But, i'm definitely learning. Learn fast Mae! haha (:
Yesterday, i went for some karaoke with some University peeps. Its sometimes cool how you are a friend of another and how people can actually be link to you in some complex web of friendship or another. But, i think i should get use to it considering how small Singapore is - they say six degrees of seperation - but here, its probably only 2-3 degrees of seperation.
Thats how close i am to you and you are to me. haha.
Well, the other day i was in NUS to submit my student exchange documents and on my way out from the Japanese Studies department i met this long haired girl with a very Japanese air to her. I had thought she was Japanese! We got into the same lift and i asked her "which floor?" since i was nearer to the lift buttons.
She: "i don't know"
Me: "hahaha. where you wanna go? Canteen is on the second floor bla bla."
She: "Where are you going?"
Me: "History department to collect something."
She: "Oh! Are u a History major?"
Me: "Nope. Japanese studies Major"
She: "Ok lor, i follow you"
Me to myself "This girl is cool lah. (: "
We became fast friends and on our very first very interesting meeting we chatted for an hour! From 3pm to 4pm! I asked for her number as i had enjoyed talking to her and then she told me she couldn't get mine as her phone had dropped into the toilet bowl. hahaha (:
I was starting to like this new friend of mine even more!
Well, apparently this other friend of mine knows her. And i received a very hyped up call from a very excited Totoro aka Jansen (:P) one night.
Jansen: "Mae!!! You know Wan Wei ar? The one who drop her phone in the toilet bowl?"
Me: "Oh yar. I met in the lift the other day in school."
Jansen: "wahahahhahahahahahahahahaha"
I forgot what he had said, all i remember was that he was very very very happy and sounded very very excited upon realising that we are actually linked up in the friendster kind of way! haha.
Next thing i know, we were at Cash Box Karaoke yesterday singing to our heart's delight along with other friends of Wan Wei's. The Karaoke joint was darn cool. I think it specially caters to Japanese people as the Japanese songs are endless but the Chinese and English song list ends very soon. haha. A pity i only know a handful of Japanese songs but everyone was very game and very sporting. So, we were encourage to 'never mind la and anyhow sing.'
And anyhow sing i did (:
Oh well, that was yesterday's karaoke. San san san, i'll make it a point to bring you to cashbox soon! You'll be so fasinated by the Japanese MTVs and the songs la. haha. No more scenes of penguins walking around on the beach as with the KBox music videos. hehe (:
"Sakura Sakura..lalalalalalala." Their Milo was blah though. $6.00 for a cup of dyed-brown-hot-water. ): heh.
Oh! I met up with my sis -Dolldoll- on Monday! ^-* Super fun la the KTV! We just mangled all our songs and screamed along when the notes got a little high! *Gaffaws! Dai Ai Ling's Tui De Ren is a killer song to nail and with more screeching practices, i'm sure i'm able to sing it in front of more people other than my best friends and sisters. haha (:
Anyways, after that we went to Genki Sushi for some sushi. haha. like DUH. She introduced some salmon wrapped sushi and it made me super happy la (: hahaha. We talked alot while eating at the sushi counter. Okay. I have to stop here though i have more to say about our conversation.
Mum wants to go for supper! (: *yeay!
haha! Good that i have a greedy mum like myself.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
sleep talk!
I wanna say something! haha But, i'm too tired. (-_-)Zzz..
Tis the joy to share.
I wonder how's February gonna be like..
Oyasumi neh!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Smile beautifully.
Kensuke has been keeping in touch with me and boy, am i happy that he does! (: I miss my chat everything under the sun partner and my best friend :) He wants to come to Singapore soon -eh! like whatever for la! I reckon its because he misses Laksa. haha. Greedy Kensuke! S$850 just for a bowl of laksa u are craving for?
In Singapore, we will say. "Siao la u" :P
Anyway, i will try my best to delay my flight if he does come. Hey Ken! Are u reading this?! If you are!! U had better be touched i tell u! :P I want to bring you to East Coast Park, a place i had planned to bring you before you went back to Japan last month but didn't have a chance to. I lost that chance then, but will try my best this time to not lose it again. You have to try the food there and enjoy East Coast Park! haha. The waters may be a lil dirty! haha but, theres still some meaning to go there la. haaa. :P
Singapore is not all about Laksa you know! (:
Hey! Today, i had to actually conduct the choir i am in and teach them!! Gosh! It was such an interesting experience! :) I really enjoyed it. A pity that i don't know music, because if i knew, i would have been able to contribute more to today's practice. I'm really grateful for everyone's cooperation and forgiveness towards my incompetancy in helping you guys sing well.
Alice, our Choir secretary msn me just now saying that
"today you teach very good."
I was so touched by her kind words. I don't know what to feel. Normally, i would have felt happy or just say 'nonono' when people compliment me about my performance in anything. But, today it was very tough for me to stand in front of my choir & teach them. I really tried very hard and i knew i actually sucked as a teacher. I didn't know what notes alto, bass and tenor had to sing. Didn't knew the tempo of all the songs and when to repeat what part but everyone was compassionate enough to still listen to me and respond positively.
I'm humbled by her generous words and my choir's magnanimousness.
I will give my best towards learning music from now on. :) I'll pick up my guitar and that 'tao gey' stuffs again! ^^
Smile beautifully, think positvely and never lose that spark in your eye.
Oh ya. To all my friends.
It not good idea to go to Chinatown on a Sunday.
It really not good idea.
Trust me. I was there. And.. oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy.
Singapore has a big darn population distribution problem.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
You've (really) got mail!
Just 3 words
"Ya. Its Here."
And i went "Really? Woohoo! Yeay!" well, looking back, i like to think that everybody else in the room was feeling happy for me though i had totally disregarded their existance and made an utter nuiscance of myself.
Yeay! (: Thank you so much everyone. I realised so much more about through your concerns and actions.
Through this episode i was very touched by the many i love. I'll keep this memory in my mind and my heart never forgetting that parents do indeed give their best for their kids and family is the most basic and yet most important social unit anyone can ever ask for.
Mail's finally here.*sigh of relief.
Everyday this week is a tired day. But, today, everything culminated. Not only was i sleepy, i felt listless and sluggish too. yuck. Not good feeling. I believe i'll be turning in by 11pm tonight. haha. that'll be my earliest sleeping time so far this year ^^
Sleep is good. I like sleep! haha
Oh! Yesterday i went for my elementary school gathering. It was cool la, seeing everyone again. I see most of them around the neighbourhood but there are some i've not seen since i was 12 la! Gosh! That was like almost 9 years now. Well, it was nice to know that many of them are still the way they were 9 years ago - down-to-earth, unpretentious and comfortable to be with. Though, there are some things i rather leave in the past, its nice to relive the prefered parts of it and yesterday i was able to do just that. I apologise for being sleepy yesterday peeps! But, i promise i would be more awake and more of a noise-maker the next time we meet (:
Just don't take another 9 years to organise a gathering (:
Ok, i'm fainting now. Gotta snozz.
neh. (:
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
You've got mail (:
The last two days went by in a frenzy, in a good way though knowing that my busy-ness is for a worthy cause. Demo, there was a constant worry that lingered in the back on my mind - my certification of financial resource have yet to arrive from our bank in Hong Kong and my date of submission was 10th of January. Everything else is in check, haha as far as i know for now. (:
I told Gohonzon about it whenever i had the chance to. But this afternoon, there was still no mail from HSBC and it is already the 8th of January. Then, this evening i went out with three of my zenchi-shikis and lamented to them about my concerns. (: They were so cute la. We were discussing maybe i wasn't meant to leave for Japan to study and that something bad might happen to me if i went hence, plans were made to prevent me from going. And then, we went on to discuss about the bad stuffs that may happen. haha.
Well, i went home feeling very touched by their special way of comfort and with the mindset that i will accept and not begrudge against things i cannot control because i have tried my best.
And guess what happened?
I was checking my email today and the first email that opened was an email from the Internation Relation Office of NUS saying..
"Dear Yap Mae
Please submit your application by the 14th January 2008."
*mae chuckles (:
Thank you so very much (:
HSBC! I'm still waiting my mail ^^
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Bag went boom!
But nooooooo. i had to come online.
I'm enjoying this 1990's song by Savage Garden titled "Santa Monica" an unassuming title but a very pleasant song to the ears. You know, sometimes, when u listen to the song u almost have no clue as to what the singer is singing. But, once you check out the lyrics, the whole song takes on a whole new facet and meaning to you. I'm looking forward to checking out the lyrics of this song. However, i think i'll be kicking myself later when i wake up at 7am for doing so. (:
Sometimes, being appreciative for the things you have makes one happy already. -> haha. some random thought in my mind.
Anyway, my bag's zip burst today!! hahaha! Its about time huh peeps! (: i can hear almost all of you saying ' i knew that would happen some day!' hahaha! (: One of the job hazards of being a tution teacher, you just have to lunged everything with you to entertain, teach and entertain and entertain and amuse the children (:
But, i'm loving my days - Its special you know- the way they smile back especially after i smiled into their eyes for doing small lovable things only a young kid would do. How precious is a pure heart and innocent mind indeed. Never mind the bag, i can always get a new one -haha! Casse should be on the alert now! :P
No more Bugis Streets bags! Me think we should head to the first floor of Takashimaya ad get some REAL bags. hahaha.
Like real.
Drop by drop,
The water, fills the jar.
- Be paitent. Have a heart that endures.
i must go and sleep now. :)
Oyasumi neh!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
love love me!
Mae's road of discovery of herself. *grins*
1. Were you smiling when you woke upthis morning?
hahahahaa. Really no. Who smiles when they have to wake up in the morning!!
2. When was the last time you metsomeone new?
Friday. My Uni buddy's boyfriend.
3. When did you last eat pizza?
Monday! (: I remember yummy days!
4. Do you drink beer?* yeap.
5. Do you wash your own clothes?
6. Are you any good at poker?*
no good.
7. What do you want more than anything?*
Discipline and probably a new laptop. (:
8. Are you tired?*
hell yeahh.
9. Besides your bed, what is yourfavorite thing in your room?*
Peanut and Butter
.10. Pepsi or Coke?* coke.
11. Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?
12. Do you enjoy piercings and tattoos?*
Do i look like a person who enjoys pain?
13. Taco Bell or McDonald's?*
14. Are you restless?*
Not these days (:
15. Is your computer desktop or a laptop?
16. How many friendster views do youhave?*
i don't care.
17. Want to be a prince/princess?*
Only to certain people, yes. Princesses usually don't have very happy lives do they?
18. Do you believe dreams come true?*
19. Last song you heard?*
Can You Celebrate - Namie Amuro
20. Do you like Batman?*
no. hes one dark kid.
21. Who is in the room with you?*
Some beatle named jack.
22. what r u wearin on ur foot?*
23. What was the last thing you ate?*
Swenson's Ice-cream
24. What were you doing before this?*
Sleeping in a car
25. What is the closest item near youthat is blue?*
hehe. i don't care.
26. How are you feeling today?*
somehow, over the clouds.
27. What instant messaging service doyou use?* msn.
28. what is ur fav website?*
porn! waahhhhh! Thinks you never knew about me huh! hahahaha (: Kidding! I like nus mail cos it brought me aplenty of great news recently.
29. Whose house were you at last night?*
*secret* hahaha. I was at house of the Buddha's.
30. What do you wear more, jeans orsweatpants?*
Guilty of jeans.
31. Where's your favorite place to be?*
Actually, as corny as this is..anywhere with anyone i like to be with.
32. Where did you get the shirt you'rewearing?*
33. Where was your default pic taken?*
44. Do you believe love at first sightexists?
Its not love. its lust.
45. Do you believe that you can changesomeone?*
Why would u want to change anyone? Maybe u should just change yourself or stay away from that person in the first place.
45. What are you going to do after youdo this survey?*
Bathe then sleep..and hit my sttoooopid younger brother for chasing me off the computer!!!
my younger brother is a pig who eats like one but never gains weight and never looks like one.
i am horribly jealous.
dumb. dumb. dumb. younger brother is a pig. :D
He is impaitent like a pig, eats like one and soon, he'll roll in te mud like one.
He is char siew.
He like char siew.
I'm irritating just like him. hurhur.
I love my brother (:
Hair-pee new year.
Happy New Beginnings to you people!
New Year and new hair for me! haha. Happy New Hair :P I shall not rave about my haircut on my blog but people have been commenting that it gives me life (?) and that hints that my previous long strands had made me looked dead huh. Thanks people. :P
Gosh, these days have been real hectic. Sigh, the really nice long holidays where everything seems to have had gone with the wind seems to be over with the first day of the new year being the pivotal point of change. Somehow, i'm really happy. I find myself constantly in the state of rapture despite the many hours clocked.
Well, i watched "Heroes" yesterday and Linderman (?) was telling Nathan that..
A person can only lead two types of lives, a meaningful one or a happy one and both don't go together. Because when you are happy you don't think about the past or the future you live to enjoy the time there and then. But, if you want a meaningful life you'll spend your time reflecting on your past and obsessing about future finding out how u can do better.
Naturally, all of us what a meaningful and happy life. But, if you had to choose, what would you choose? eh, I just hope that Linderman (?) is wrong on what he said.