Sunday, January 6, 2008

Hair-pee new year.

Happy New Year. Another depressing year has gone by and we have welcome yet another despondent year fated to be plauged with feelings of hopelessness and haplessness. Yeay. Throw a ball and waste your hard-earned money when inflation is rampant and oil prices hitting $100/barrel. yep.

Happy New Beginnings to you people!

New Year and new hair for me! haha. Happy New Hair :P I shall not rave about my haircut on my blog but people have been commenting that it gives me life (?) and that hints that my previous long strands had made me looked dead huh. Thanks people. :P

Gosh, these days have been real hectic. Sigh, the really nice long holidays where everything seems to have had gone with the wind seems to be over with the first day of the new year being the pivotal point of change. Somehow, i'm really happy. I find myself constantly in the state of rapture despite the many hours clocked.

Well, i watched "Heroes" yesterday and Linderman (?) was telling Nathan that..

A person can only lead two types of lives, a meaningful one or a happy one and both don't go together. Because when you are happy you don't think about the past or the future you live to enjoy the time there and then. But, if you want a meaningful life you'll spend your time reflecting on your past and obsessing about future finding out how u can do better.

Naturally, all of us what a meaningful and happy life. But, if you had to choose, what would you choose? eh, I just hope that Linderman (?) is wrong on what he said.
