you know i read somewhere that Japanese people love to blog and according to statsitics they have one impressive pool of bloggers who actually regularly update their blog. On top of that, studies reveal that the Japanese bloggers, more often than not, blog about the mundane ongoings of life. Nothing sensationalistic, nothing special and nothing particularly worthy for you to sue for malignment. I had thought that was interesting.
That is, until , i found a Japanese person's blog.
Woah. It was all about him and him and even more him. However, it isn't a display of narcissism i am sure.
Interestingly, his blog seems to be an assurance of his existance to him and that there was a meaning to everything he does and puts effort into. Be it in the name of his club, academic pursuits, personal discipline and social life. Maybe, we have been so disenchanted and conditioned so much that us leaving blogs behind assures or even comforts us that we are infact still individuals who are different from everybodyelse in every possible way. His blog entries are his own and his own perspective of life. Hence, his blog like him, is special in its own way. Sounds almost sad. haha, Maybe when the time comes i could do my thesis on the Japanese Blogging Behavior and what... (confidential^^ hey! its my possible thesis u know!^^)
That having said, we all want to be heard don't we? Personally, i want to hear what i have to say more than being heard by others. I ramble too much, rant on far too often that ultimately, me and the unfortunate other party won't exactly know what i was trying to get at. Its always the case of, "i think she was trying to get at this..but i'm not too sure." haha (: Unfortunate other party, my mouth works faster than my head so often. Please be lenient! (^-*)/~
I remembered in my elementary school and high school days we always had this component of our English Language examination where we had to have a conversation on a certain topic with our teachers. The teacher will posed a question to us and we have to talk it out with her and we would be graded on the quality of our response. A pity that we weren't graded on the quantity of our response! Well, there was once, i had this question-
"So, do u think we should ban smoking in all public places?"
As far as i can recall, my response was a yes and then my mouth went on auto-pilot mode! Yikes! I was yakking to myself for a few minutes before realising it and i finally stopped myself and asked the two unfortunate listening teachers "oh! what was the question again?"
You go mae. HA! One thing leads to another my dear. Not one thing leads to everything else that doesn't matter. Oh! Theres another something i read that would be useful!
If one is not quite sure about how one should phrase one's response to sound articulate and coherent. The person's advice to one was - don't respond.
Heh. Risk being rude than being stoooopid. I shall drill that into my thick numbskull and practice it when circumstances call for it. (:
But, my dear poor unfortunate friends, thats only reserved for strangers or acquaintances. :) I promise my mouth will still be auto-pilot mode when i'm with u guys (: *grins*
Tonight, Ngak is gonna perform in Timbre's @ ArtHouse. Er jie says he is hot and ish a good singer. Since its from er jie's mouth, i believe he should be not-very-young too^^ :P But, Ngak! here we come to hear u 'chuo gua.' (: