you know, theres this friend of mine.
We get along very well and he is receptive and thankful to the little things i do for him - be it my unworthy advice or my little actions. I've never quite met a guy like him before - filial, humble, compassionate and gentle-menly. And whats sad is, today, he described himself as a 'ugly big fat liar.'
Funny how people can only see the worse in themselves and see the best in others they care for. My safe bet is that most of us don't love themselves more than they love others.
Deplorable? Yes.
Exclusive? No.
I'm guilty of that too. And i'm guilty of more. I'm guilty of not telling him of how highly i think of him - how much i respect his virtues, principles and determination. Hey dude, and did i mention to you that people in our organisation have been telling me that you are cute? Ah gosh, no! And that so many people have told me that you have beautiful eyes!
I forgot to tell you all of that, i missed the chance to let you know that you are better than you deem yourself to be and more significant to me than you think you ever will be. More importantly, i missed the chance to let you feel better about yourself.
Thanks for your compliments for me - i "possess the charm of a mature girl"? HAHA Where did you learn that from? In restropect, i think u had just described me to ooze the charm of a mother! *grins
Well, truth be told, I find it hard to appreciate compliments, but i will start to say a thank you sincerely for yours. Because,i want you, to start appreciating yourself more.
Take care my very special Virgo friend. We'll be in each others' lives for a long long time to come and i like that thought of that! You are a joy to have around and i have aplenty to learn from you! Lets guide each other in our journey of practice, study and faith!