Monday, March 10, 2008

Cantonese and me.

I was borned and raised in a Hokkien-speaking family. Though, till this day i
m unclear whether the words that sprout out from my mouth is authentic Hokkien, Singaporean Hokkien (one that the Taiwanese people can't understand) or the Teochew-kena-mixed-with-Hokkien kinda Hokkien.

But one thing's for sure.

I SURE don't speak any Cantonese!

Imh Sek Teng, Imh Sek Kong or in my own grandparents' tongue "Buay hiao tia, buay hiao kong." The only Cantonese i know is limited to "wheres the toilet" "go to hell" and whatever Dim Sum food name there is.

Now, I'm gonna to embark on the impossible and that is to learn Cantonese. Truth be told, i have no interest whatsoever in the Cantonese language. Not that i have anything against it or anything, just that i'm totally clueless and am an absolute NOOB in it and i have yet to master my own dialect. Hence, i am a bit hesitant. But, i took a leap of faith and yesterday i was trying to communicate in basic Cantonese with some of my choir mates.

One of them thought i was speaking Korean!!!! (o.O)??

I then turn to an Uncle nearby and spoke to him and he understood only 1/10 of what i was trying to tell him!!

How encouraging eh!

haha (: Anything tough is always worth a fight eh!
Anyway, Hong Kong and Guangzhou is the land of the speaking Cantonese campaigns so i better fight hard.

Any Cantonese speaking friends out there???

jit bai jiat lat liao la.