The last two days and past weekends, a placed dubbed SPIKO - Spirit of Hokkeko - has been our lil' home. We spend our whole weekends in SPIKO- eating together, sleeping together and practicing our cultural items together. Normally, spending so much time with people, and the SAME people for that matter, would invariably bring out the worse in everybody. Arguments have a tendency to escalate into fights when everyone starts taking everyone else for granted and the environment for granted.
Interestingly, what is happening is quite the opposite in a place called SPIKO. (: SPIKO is bringing out the best in everyone and maybe it has something to do with the place being called The Spirit of the Hokkeko. What an apt name :)
Being in The Spirit Of Hokkeko aka SPIKO brings out the best in everyone. We see everyone, from the main performers to the unsung heroes - the nannies and the logistics personnel tirelessly doing their best just to deliver a seamless and perfect performance.
It was nerve-wrecking for me during the evening's rehearsal; i had to conduct the choir as our conductor was away this weekend.
It was nerve-wrecking because i knew nothing about music and i had to lead my choir on the front. But guess what, at the end of the day, they were guiding me and not me them. (: My worries unfounded eh, this is a performance of faith and all i have to do is to have faith, not in them, but in what binds us all in a common spirit - that of the Hokkeko's.
Come sunday will be the most beautiful day of my life and because of our faith, to all 300 performers- it will be the most perfect day.
Practice, Protect, Propagate.