But, the uncontested winner of all dishes would be the brownie ice-cream dessert! (: Hui Ting ordered it and i finished every thing on the dessert plate for her very happily and quickly.

Well, as Nigella once said "Too much of a good thing can be wonderful." (:
After lunch, we went to the older side of Bugis. It felt almost as though we had went back in time and arrive in old-time Singapore's Chinatown. There weren't many pretty sights there and so we headed back to modernity where Sansan and i proceeded to meet up with Guo Hwa and Ken.
(: We went V8 for dinner and then MOF @ My Izanuya. Nice desserts la. We spent out time yakking and yakking till the staff had to politely tell us.
"Sorry, its 11pm and we close at 11pm." heh.
The bunch of yakking penguins. along with san san (:
I realise theres nothing much to do in Singapore huh -well, at least we are enjoying doing the nothing much we can do (: I have a long day tomorrow and have to sleep. Good night people.
A Mosiac artist asked reporters "what is the most Singaporean food in Singapore?"
Makes me wonder.