been a damn right crazy week. Kohsuke arrived in Singapore on 21/3 and from there on, i believed he and the bunch of us have travelled through the whole of Singapore.
i'm super tired albeit being super happy cos i know Kohsuke had a memorable time in Singapore and that he made good friends here. To my dear dear friends who selflessly gave your time to him and me, a big thank you along with a teddy bear hug.
Its not where you are; its who you are with. How aptly this phrase applies to one's stay in Singapore. So, had better make sure you have friends in a certain country before travelling there along especially if its to a super small country like Singapore where finding things to do and places to go are already chores on their own already. That being said, bringing Kohsuke around Singapore made me realise how beautiful Singapore and NUS actually is because i saw things from my foreign friend's point of view.
I appreciate Singapore and Sentosa (haha!) more than ever now. (: Singapore is fun on its own but it'll be so much more of a lovely trip if you had local friends with u. I bet Kohsuke will agree with me on that :D
Not forgetting the two beautiful ladies Jing Yi and San San who were with us too. Sorry babes, i only have the pics ah yi sent me in the computer i'm using now. Will upload your beautiful pictures soon :D
Yo! We sent Sentosa and took many crazy pictures! The best part would be the night show - Songs of the Seas- where we were all seating under the heavy rain watching the laser-show! I'll never forget that pitiful sight of us under the heavy rain all drenched and cold whilst trying to enjoy the show :)

After the show, we went to get some beer and cam-whored on the roof of Vivo-city! Very ideal place to just chill with your friends! I think, that was the highlight of Kohsuke's whole trip to Singapore we just had crazy fun, beer and lots of rendition of 'Hardo-gay' from Ah Yi and Kohsuke. :) Tanoshi-katta neh. Kohsuke said he has been to so many countries and Singapore is, insofar, the best country he has ever been to. :) Wahhhh, it made us swell so much with Singaporean pride that we gave him a Kallang-wave. *grins.
Then it was soon time for Kohsuke to leave Japan. I still can't believe how all of us made it to the airport by 8am! (: Amazing mind-over-body effort peeps :) Without you guys, everything will not be a s special as how it had turned out to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you guys :) very very much. Kaimyo-In students two thumbs up mannnnn! :D