Hey! Its the leap year and today is Feb 29 (: How apt then, i'm going to catch a movie called "The Leap Years" later. Support local movies!! (: Moreover, its a romantic story set admist the back drop of the beautiful Singapore skyline. Not only are they making the plot romantic, Singapore is gonna get romanticised too ^^
I hope i would not be disappointed by the movie, i've been looking forward to it since i saw the trailer almost a month ago. But, so much advertising have been done for the movie that i'm kinda getting jaded at that few scenes in the movie trailer. Looks like some publicity plan backfired huh.
Anyways, support local films i shall and off to the movies i go (:

Chomp chomp chomp! And it helps that the lead actor is darn CUTE llaaaaaa :) :P ^^
Anyways, about Timbre that night on Friday (woah, the days do whizz by huh)
I concluded from that ouitng that my dear girl friends Crystal and Meida are really totally into NGAK laaa :) And it was not hard to deduce so. (:
They were gushing, i mean Crystal was gushing, and when Ngak walked pass our table they wholly ignored me when i was talking ): Boo! BAH! They should have nudged me to look too la.
I had really enjoyed myself that night though, one of the best pubbing nights i ever had. The music was awesome (cos Ngak has a good voice and good taste in music) Not only that, the food was sinfully yummy :)
Us and Ngak

Yummy food from Timbre (:

Smiles and delights :) Not to mention, a bunch of broke girls la. Bo liu liao lor.
Anyways, mina was so excited that she became speechless when we were asking Ngak if we could take a photo with him when the photo was for her (:
Jia and i: Hey Ngak! Could we take a picture with you? You were great just now and we really like your music.
Ngak: (i can recall wholly though but there was a thanks and something like the sound system was -beep- up. heh :P )
mina: silence. just stun and stare.
Jia and i: So, where are the other places you perform at Ngak? We'll come down tomorrow to Botanic Gardens to support your performace.
Ngak: on monday i preform here...and Ngak goes on telling us his schedule..
mina: still stunning and staring.
And then we took the picture.
Jia and i: Thanks Ngak! See you soon.
Ngak: Thanks! *and he does a little bow*
Then, cute lil' mina turns to me and says: Mae, i love you (:
Me: Welcome :)
^^ That was the highlight of the night i guess! haha :) Isn't she so cute la!