Thursday, February 21, 2008

i'm no art-talent.

I have not a strain of artistic fibre in me. When i was teaching my korean students, we had this session where i would let them draw something random on my whiteboard and thereafter proceed to probe them to explain to me why they drew what they had drawn and what it symbolises. This excercise was meant for them to expand their vocabulary and be more eloquent in their speech and sentences. However, the tables got turned against me on our last lesson and my students became my teacher instead- that is, my teacher in art.

Aiyaya, this is embarrassing but when i showed it to San di a.k.a Wai Hong he was like laughing darn hard la. So, i'm just keeping the memories here so i can look back on them anytime i want to (: Griffin, Peter..this is for you (:

First off, we started off drawing some farm animals..

Thats the sheep i drew above and the below is the one drew by Peter.

And ya, the above was really meant to be a sheep. :P

Check out my eagle and Peter's eagle below.

okay, when Peter said we should draw Dinosaurs, i had Barney the purple dinosaur in mind. I didn't expect the above to appear *deadpans* and below is Peter's plant-eating dino.

okay. So my dragon came out looking a little like a shrimp on fire and a little whimpy compared to the ferocious one Peter drew below. But, isn't mine cute? Check out my dragon's non-existent claws *deadpans*

What can i say to redeem myself now? haha. Well, 8 year old Peter's talented in art and i'm not. Therefore, good for him (:

And, art has never been and never will be my forte :)
