Next week will be my university's mid-semester holiday. I'm kinda starting to miss school already. Well, not school per se because i still do go to school occasionally for my favourite library and my major related books.
Truth be told, i miss my Japanese studies lectures/seminars- the intellectually sitmulating or at most times intellectually-dumbfounded discussions we have and the interesting contents and knowledge. In retrospect, i think the most imperative reason would be that i'm missing the chance to be admist the passion that everyone in our class shares for Japan. Soaking in that atmosphere itself energises me and fuels my enthusiasm for Japanese studies whenever i am in school, over and over again.
Sounds cheesy and corny? haha. I know it is. But, to a large extent, its true. Many still don't understand why i am pursuing this as my major and brush my interest for Japan as something i should pursue on the sideline or as a hobby. But i refuse. Even my dear old dad doesn't understand and neither does he empathise. (: ほんとに大丈夫
I know somehow this will work and i will be happy through it all. But if at the end of the day, i do berate myself for making an unwise (debatable (: ) choice now at least i can look back at my undergrad days and know that for once, i was brave enough to follow my heart and passion. Sceptics can say what they want to, but for now my caution is with the wind and i'm the detractor. (:
i like school (: あんたも?