Though usually, the place is without the 2 fancy cars infront of it. (: If u are lucky to get a seat at the sides, you may have the priviledge of having the silhouette of Boat Quay and Raffles place skyscrapers next to you. Its just a lovely place to be with the girls (: My girls are going there for the singer NGAK (Crystal, you can have him to yourself la. i won't fight with you for him. heh) but i'm going there for the view, drink and the food. And of course, for you girls and the music. :)

-Us @ Timbre along with a funny someone's feet. - -_-"
Hey, come to think about it, Timbre was introduced to me not by locals but by my buddy Kensuke! haha. Right! Talk about how small Singapore is ! Even foreigners know some places better than loser-locals like me ): Thank goodness for Kensuke eh (: Gosh, i miss my friend.
Hey! lets turn to perky news! YEAY! Singapore had just won the bid to host the 2010 Youth Olympics! http://www.channelnewsasia.com/YOG/
Though i have not the slightest idea if we have enough land to hold such an international event but in the event that we do not, well, we can just reclaim more. :P Nah, i'm kidding! We have stadiums littered everywhere in Singapore and with the Singapore Sports Council & MP Teo at the helm we will find provide beautiful event grounds for these young athletes to strut their moves (: Even if it means en-bloc-ing some apartments and condos for the venues, we sure will Bo-leh! Majulah Singpura. (:
Go-go Singapura! (: Congratulations to our Nation. ^^