Saturday, May 9, 2009
Shit is here!
Quick! - buy your masks and hand sanitizers, close all the schools and give me more national holidays.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Something to look forward to!

Taiwan! Macau! 北鼻!Here i come (:
Google & Tokyo maps
Google crosses line with controversial old Tokyo maps
"We tend to think of maps as factual, like a satellite picture, but maps are never neutral, they always have a certain point of view,"
Finally, something other than swine flu and 'the world is in crisis and there's nothing you can do about it but watch us all sink into depression' report.'
Google is in trouble. This time, with the Japanese burakumins rights group and now they are on the verge of being charged by Japan's Ministry of Justice.
And for what? You may ask.
Well, to sum it up, Google uploaded a map in its Google Earth Software that outlines the villages where the Burakumins (derogatorily known as e-ta back in the Edo or Kamakura period) were delineated to living.
By the way, Burakumins are a caste of people back in the feudal class who were considered as filthy or (e-ta) because of their occupations that were related to death like leather making etc.
Because of what google did (upload a map), Toru Matsuoka, an Upper House Diet member said '
Google's system itself is a form of prejudice," and he even added that he had 'no choice' but to conclude things to be this way.
There are some things you can say about Japan (in this case, indirectly), and there are a gazillion other things that you should not be mentioning about; especially if, it so happens that you are oh-so-juicely rich.
Cause that will just make u a worthwhile (economically) candidate to sue.
Seriously, impartially speaking, is it Google's fault?
All they did was to open up a channel for anyone to understand more about Japan's feudal past. What more, what remains for the Burakumins of today remains unchanged from that of the past ableit the change in the degree of discrimination. Centuries on, prejudice and social problems are still not fully addressed instead they morph into one of the many taboos of Japan.
And when someone from the outside takes a piece of history relating to that taboo or writes about that taboo and puts it out into the public eye, you say it is a form of prejudice?
Against who may i ask. Who is the victim of this prejudice? - the 3 million Burakumins who are still living in discrimatory conditions?- Note the difference between a HIGHLIGHTER a SIGNALLER and someone or something that makes another feel delineated against.
Look inside, who has been prejudiced against the Burakumins for this long of a time?
Then again, this is Japan.
Google should consider getting a board of censors.
Monday, May 4, 2009
remember me.
take a moment; sit back.
realise you've been such a fool.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Hair-pee Golden Week!
You just have to love this song!
Especially the part where he screams NA-MI-DA-ka-re-ru-ma-de (after the tears have dried up or something along those lines)
Because its so angsty and rythmic at the same time u can...
HOW COOL IS THAT? - hurhur (-_-)"
and here is mine..
how nice (:
Anyway on a lighter note,
Happy Golden Week to all native Japaneses and all the wanna-be-Japanese-Ganjin(s)!
May u spend spend spend all the money you've sloughed your life for during this is very merry holidays whilst i stay in my little Cosmo and biodegrade.
again, sweet people, Happy Golden Week!
'tis the week to spend all your money..lalala-lalalala-'
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Happy days!
damn right; from a nice song with beautiful lyrics it becomes plain kao bei.

I'm so good at making myself happy (:
Oh, and i went to Jupiter-imported food oriented grocery store and got more tom yam paste and fish sauce.
i can see many more happy days ahead. ^^
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Be blown away.
Susan Boyle Stuns Crowd with Epic Singing - Watch more Funny Videos
Watch this and be marvelled. Be prepared for some goosepimples and possibly some tears (if you are emotional like me).
Hehe, enjoy! (:
We are in the news! HURHUR!
I was just reading this article from the widely acclaimed highly unreliable source, filled with advertisements (especially call-me-if-u-r-lonely adverts), gossips on who's dating who and who's doing what which is technically none of your shitty business and a newspaper which all my senior high school teachers have warned me from reading but i read anyway newspaper - THE NEWPAPER -
And this is what i found!
MJC students on scoring As for project work
Teachers guide us a lot
Despite some JCs doing better, some teachers say it's 'spoon-feeding' and inconsistent
April 23, 2009
I almost got an UNEXPLAINABLE THRILL from reading this article!! HAHAHA.
And only ex-MERDIANS or suay-kias (tsk tsk, us unlucky kids) like me can understand WHY.
all i can say is.
and stop being a bunch of detractors, its just not quite right.
Well, on a lighter note, i saw a group on facebook that reads:
"I was late for lecture because i missed the NUS shuttle!"
Reminds me of something that had happened to my dear friend Xiao wei during her first 3 months in TPJC.
I miss her.
I hope shes not sick of Shanghainese food yet.
I vividly remembered the flour noodles served with a whole chunck of peanut butter i had when i was visiting her..
Monday, April 27, 2009
Thai food that binds. (:
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Oh, the 2 photos above, i'm just reminiscing about last's week journey to Taisekiji!
Getting was one adventure i wouldn't be forgetting soon! Haha, but i have to practice my presentation now!
haha, so guai.
After 3 hours of proscrasination.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Dinner party after work. (:
Went to work on Friday. And AGAIN! I had to rush for the train, must be the bad karma from being lazy to wake up 5 minutes earlier.
Well Boss decided that it would be nice to have dinner together after work and i stayed back in the school after work to wait for Izacc to finish his class with lil' Ono -(?-not sure if this is his name) hehe.
Ono had an English test! I made tea and snacks for him whilst he was 'eeeh-toh-ing' and 'errrr..' ing on his paper.
this was what i saw..
学校 = skel
ありがとう=tenk yew
So cute right. I know that he knows the answer but the spelling was just a little too 複雑 for him. But come to think of it..
'Skel' DOES sound like 'School' and 'tenk yew' DOES sound like 'Thank You'
Now, i understand the pain of learning English! Haha, now my pain of learning Japanese isn't so bad. at least it isn't as tonal as Mandarin or English! (only in the case of Ono-chan)
Just in case you were wondering, when it came to the oral practice Ono-chan scored full marks! :D
Izacc was hoping that we would have 焼き肉..Haha! But his hopes (and mine too) were crushed when we saw boss coming through the door with containers of food and cans of cocktail.
バイバイヤキニク! ^^
[bye bye Yaki Niku] ^^
But at least we had some non-alcoholic beer (?) and Izacc was still happy :D
The food was great though it was not anything close to 焼き肉.
Such lovable ladies don't you think? :D
I love my job and my colleagues!
Not hard to see why eh?

I miss home and Singapore dreadfully.
More so, i miss my family so much.
Sunday lunches, movies and grocery shopping with some kopi-sweu-dai and toasted bun along the way never fail to make my week a more wholesome and sweet one.
I wonder what movies i have missed so far.
I slept at 8.30am this morning because i was trying so hard to retrieve the photos which had been deleted by my computer when i first arrive in Japan.
After 5 months of trying, i finally got to getting it done.
It was well worth it! I spent my day today just gazing at them pictures and thanking the fact that i had taken these pictures, of which i now can spend my lonely days in Japan with.
Nah, i'm not sad, regretful or self-pitying. Don't mistaken me.
I am very grateful for being able to come to Japan and be a student of Kyoto University. In fact, i am happy. Truly, i am. But, choices and goals come with a price and that price for me would be the time with my loved ones.
And i made a choice.
I love my family dearly, my thoughts, prayers and love will always be with them. That, no matter where i am or what choice i make, will never falter.
That, for what I'm sure and what i know, is the only factor constant in my life.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Happy new year baby..
I'm starting to miss him more and more these days. Especially since its the festive season now! Wonder how its like to welcome the new OX year with him and my family by my side. hehe. not bad lah.
Most of all,
i wanna give him a big bear hug and sing to his face.
恭喜恭喜你呀,恭喜恭喜你!每个人的..something something.
something something...就是恭喜恭喜。。
as for the second choice of song i will sing for him.
财神到财神到你家们口 (repeat 10 times accordingly)
wonder if he will confiscate my red packet for doing so!
well, i will find out next year ^^
Sunday's journey of faith.
Left for Taisekiji on Sunday morning - 5.00am. And returned home the same day at 10pm^^
wah~ not bad eh. hehehe
My favorite bento of the year! :D Though if everything was twice its size, things would have been more perfect. hehehe
But oh wells, greediness is never encouraged in Buddhism.
"Yearning to see the Buddha, they never begrudge their lives."
Great dinner date^^
Because we were poor students on a budget, (well, because I was THE poor student on a budget) everyone was accommodating enough to have SHAKEYS for dinner (:
Us and our 850yen all you can eat pizzaaaasssss!!
It was an awesome dinner with PLENTY of talking and talking. We even got the courtesy of getting to meet Brad, a really cool Aussie! So we yak yak and yak till SHAKEYS closed!
thats how good we are. (:
Thank goodness for the Developmental Economics class :)
oh. and my face..
its getting rounder than it should!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Beautiful song, one that propelled him to instant stardom in shores beyond that of Taiwan's
Not hard to see why. (:
I bought his album back when i was working in China, only S$2.50. *glee*
Anyway, i was reading the and there was news fresh from the mouth of our dear finance minister.
Singapore might be devaluing the Sing Dollar.

And you know what is most sian?
Just because the news was released, monetary policies need not be adjusted to devalue the Sing Dollar, market sentiments and panic would just do it for us. *like..hurrah.*
And this afternoon,
100yen = S$1.65/1.68
Not bad huh, leave it to the market forces to turn the wheel for us.
[Free-style play.
Adam smith way.
Mae is damn suay.]
Singapore! Look at me!!! Hang in there!!
At least, Wait until i come home can?
don't like that leh.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Counting the days to seeing the sun again! :P

Well, both lah.
For some reason or another, this winter in Kyoto is getting hard to bear. I get really moody easily and poor boyfriend has to put up with my dumbass behaviour.
It gets dark too early and i get hungry too quickly -> worst shit.
Ah wells.. 30 more pages of report to go, 2 more exams and many more hours of studying Japanese and everything will be okay!
hahahaha ^^
Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sibei sian, so many things to do which in my opinion are boliao things- so many reports all blardie at least 10 pages long and 2 freaking presentations to complete by this week.
bogged down with all these when i should be studying my Japanese language. (=.=)"
that's the whole point of why i am here.................................
Like ah beng in army daze,
sian ah! Sibei sian ah!!!!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
My shite Japanese.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Valentine's day is coming II.

Bought somethine for him at LOFT the other day. hehe. but they are definitely not chocolates.
Bought some coloured papers and some really pretty sakura envelopes. I think baby like letters? So, i'm going to write letters to him whenever i'm free from now till Valentine's day.
And (hopefully) by 14th feb, they will be enough to make a bundle. Then, i'll tie them up and hand it to him when i see him again or i'll probably send them over by EMS ^^
sweet a not? hehe.
Valentine's day is coming!!
INSTANT CHOCOLATE MIXES - foundue chocolate, chocolate truffle, chocolate cookie..
BUT THEN. all instant chocolate mixes...
Taiwan, Hongkong and Singapore in San-jyou! :)
楽しみね!^^ -> just one of the obscenely few Japanese i know. >.<
Make a guess where we were! ^^
After (barely) filling our bellies. Look at the size of the 350yen BAGA! We went to Matsumoto Kiyoshi and i spent like 5000yen there. (read: dearest papa and mama, i'm sorry! :P )
Afterwhich we went to LOFT!
Anyway, loft is a departmental life store that stocks everything from "things that you wouldn't ever need in your life but its just too cute to resist from buying" to "daily essentials sold at exorbitant prices and these are the same essentials u can buy from 100yen shop."
In essence, its a cool and kawaii! place to spend or waste some time. (:
anyway i found dim-sum or steamed birds and octopus there
but look closely lah, its actually 2 birds and a tako enjoying some On-sen. haha.
Must be Japanese bird and Japanese ocotopus.