Went to work on Friday. And AGAIN! I had to rush for the train, must be the bad karma from being lazy to wake up 5 minutes earlier.
Well Boss decided that it would be nice to have dinner together after work and i stayed back in the school after work to wait for Izacc to finish his class with lil' Ono -(?-not sure if this is his name) hehe.
Ono had an English test! I made tea and snacks for him whilst he was 'eeeh-toh-ing' and 'errrr..' ing on his paper.
this was what i saw..
学校 = skel
ありがとう=tenk yew
So cute right. I know that he knows the answer but the spelling was just a little too 複雑 for him. But come to think of it..
'Skel' DOES sound like 'School' and 'tenk yew' DOES sound like 'Thank You'
Now, i understand the pain of learning English! Haha, now my pain of learning Japanese isn't so bad. at least it isn't as tonal as Mandarin or English! (only in the case of Ono-chan)
Just in case you were wondering, when it came to the oral practice Ono-chan scored full marks! :D
Izacc was hoping that we would have 焼き肉..Haha! But his hopes (and mine too) were crushed when we saw boss coming through the door with containers of food and cans of cocktail.
バイバイヤキニク! ^^
[bye bye Yaki Niku] ^^
But at least we had some non-alcoholic beer (?) and Izacc was still happy :D
The food was great though it was not anything close to 焼き肉.
Such lovable ladies don't you think? :D
I love my job and my colleagues!
Not hard to see why eh?