Last evening, i went to Kyoto's Ramen street with Vivian after school (: oooh...i was on the lookout for Kyuushu's infamous Tonkatsu Ramen (brewed pork-bone soup) and we found it right here! I took the set or known as SET-TO here in Japan-land and the ramen came with fried rice and Karage (fried chicken)
ALL 960 yen was so worth ittttt laaaaahhhh *(^O^)*/~~~
I decided to remove the little song player widget at the side, because i realised its not a wise idea to have ONE SONG playing OVER AND OVER again with me and everyone else who's reading my blog (if, there are) unable to stop it.
damn right; from a nice song with beautiful lyrics it becomes plain kao bei.
damn right; from a nice song with beautiful lyrics it becomes plain kao bei.
Anyway i had a little row with boyfriend this evening, during one of our phonecalls i had thought he was being rude and was very unhappy about it.
And being the insensitive piece of wood that i am, i berated him for it,then went to take a nap to forget about the matter.
Blah, since when i became so unreasonable and so petty? Poor boyfriend, has to put up with this shitty behaviour which he says its just 'a manifestation of my lonliness and different-hard to get used to life here in Japan.' and then, he went to the supermarket and did some nice grocery shopping!
2 pieces of wood together.
Me -> the insensitve irritant
Him-> the calm and cool cucumber.
insentive irritant + calm cucumber .............

i love him as much as i have since 2 years ago.
Eh, on a totally different note,
i'm gonna show off what i had for dinner the day before....
Tom yum bamboo shoots with fish
Stir-fried Ma-po egg plant
Fried gyoza (dumplings)
I'm so good at making myself happy (:
Oh, and i went to Jupiter-imported food oriented grocery store and got more tom yam paste and fish sauce.
i can see many more happy days ahead. ^^