Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hair-pee Golden Week!


You just have to love this song!

Especially the part where he screams NA-MI-DA-ka-re-ru-ma-de (after the tears have dried up or something along those lines)

Because its so angsty and rythmic at the same time u can...


HOW COOL IS THAT? - hurhur (-_-)"

and here is mine..


how nice (:


Anyway on a lighter note,

Happy Golden Week to all native Japaneses and all the wanna-be-Japanese-Ganjin(s)!

May u spend spend spend all the money you've sloughed your life for during this is very merry holidays whilst i stay in my little Cosmo and biodegrade.

again, sweet people, Happy Golden Week!

'tis the week to spend all your money..lalala-lalalala-'
